By the way, the outlawing of ukay ukays happened ten years ago. Now the population of ukays have been so rampant that it's concepts primary intention has been forgotten and the present capitalist structure it holds is now very accepted by society. Why? because it can cater to anyone. From the convenient prices for the lower - class to the brand - conscious madness of the middle - class and quite possibly even some of the upper - class and the fashion concious (basically those who just want to have just a piece or a "vintage" find).
Yes ladies and gentle men, the ukay ukay is for me, the fast-food of retail. For a good price you can fill your retail stomach with the quick - fix , the good buy, or if your lucky, your own personal holy grail (i.e. designer bags , shoes , shirts what have you.) Just be sure it's real folks. Time to go hunting for bears.

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